Sunday, March 4, 2012

An Open Letter of Sympathy to Republicans

Dear Republicans,

Even though I have been registered as an independent since 1972, I have always voted for democrats.  This means I have often had to endure the embarrassment of watching many unqualified or uninteresting candidates lose.

Howard Dean, Mike Dukakis, John Kerry, Jimmy doesn't matter whether they were good men or not, qualified or not.  What killed them politically was the fact that they couldn't sway the voters, couldn't perform well in debates and didn't accurately measure the pulse of the public.  So I and other democrats trudged to the polls with heavy hearts, knowing all the time we were voting for a candidate who would lose by a landslide.

And so it is without any sarcasm that I say "I feel sorry for you" because you're going to lose this election. Your current crop of candidates doesn't have a chance.  You're a house divided.  Believe me, I've endured the frustration and dissatisfaction that comes from watching my party and/or my candidate totally blow it by going in too many different directions at once, all of them silly and unimportant.

You folks on the right are going to wake up on the morning after election like a person with a hangover on New Year's Day who spends the next week wondering "What was I thinking???"  Herman Cain? He's like the bad prom date you want to forget.  Michelle Bachmann, Rick Perry - you realize these people were utterly unelectable, right?

So now you're left with Newt, Santorum and Romney. Newt scolds everyone and arrogantly points out how smart he is every time a microphone gets near his mouth.  Santorum, who thinks he's Joan of Arc with testicles, and chastises Obama for wanting kids to go to college.  And Romney, who is the closest thing you can come up with to a candidate with mass appeal.  (Just so you know, my democratic friends and I wouldn't worry if Romney wins- he is, after all, a centrist democrat).

Oh, and let's not forget Ron Paul and John Huntsman, the only two intelligent candidates you have/had. One of them you kicked to the curb in favor of Newt and St. Rick, the other you just ignore.  Which is your fault, not the fault of 'the liberal media' or democratic organizers. Ron Paul would give Obama a serious run for his money,, what the heck, you guys are gonna do what you're gonna do. Just like we did when we ran hopeless candidates.

So, I'm sorry. Unless hell freezes over, you're going to lose and it won't be a close election.  Despite what the fear mongers want you to believe, Obama is not Satan in disguise and a lot of Americans have come to realize that.

My condolences