Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Irish Politics Explained

When it comes to Ireland, Americans ask one question over and over: 'what's the story with Irish politics?'

Variations of this question include 'Why do the Irish hate the English?,' 'What's the deal with the IRA?,' 'Why can't the catholics and protestants get along?' 'What's the fighting about?' etc etc

Here it is in a nutshell America.

Ireland was a free country until the British government took it over and made it a colony for centuries.

And what did America do when it was an English colony? America started a war, encouraged troops to ignore traditional rules of military engagement and act like terrorists, shooting from behind trees and walls.  It burned English ships.  It destroyed the King's property and it eventually drove the English out of America. By force.  Americans celebrate their victory every year on July 4th as Independence Day. Independence from English laws.

Get it now?

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