Friday, October 28, 2011

Jerry Doyle, conservatives and what's really wrong with America

This is a short post.

Jerry Doyle is a right wing talk show host who wrote a book called "Have You Seen My Country Lately?: America's Wake-Up Call."

The problem with the conservative right in America is contained in the title. "Have You Seen MY Country Lately?"  Not our country. MY country. Got it? Jerry's country. Jerry's America.  The right's America.

This has been the same drum the right has been beating since Reagan got into the white house: some of us are "true Americans" who "get it" and we're being pushed aside by godless liberals who want to give away the country and sell our values down the river.  Us vs. them. Take back the country. The "moral majority."  It's a war, a battle, a fight, a brawl, grab that flag and take hold of it before those horrible liberals destroy everything wonderful about America.

No Jerry, it's not YOUR country. It's not the conservative right's country. It's not the Tea Party's country. It's OUR country.  That means you live here and I live here and we disagree and that's just too bad because that, my friend, is what America is all about.

Doyle, is it? I'm an O'Meara. It always stuns me when Irish-Americans, whose ancestors were mercilessly shit on by the British for centuries turn into intolerant blowhards. 

1 comment:

  1. From an Irish American ( and Irish-Canadian ) perspective, Jerry Doyle is another sell-out cashing in on his five minutes of fame on (what's the name of that Star Trek spin off again ?
    Him and his type are about as embarrassing as Liam Neeson's recent career stint globetrotting around the world rescuing fair skinned maidens from swarthy white slavers.
